• Brain Buffet Application

    Are you the ultimate zombie?

    What is it?

    The Brain Buffet is a (gelatin) brain eating contest at the Basin Park on the day of the Zombie Crawl.


    How do you win?

    Whichever zombie finishes their brain first will be crowned the Brain Buffet Champion and receive a custom-made trophy. All Brain Buffet participants will receive free Zombie Crawl swag.


    Who can apply?

    You must be 18 or older to apply. Otherwise, anyone who attends can submit an application!


    Okay, how do I apply!?

    Video of yourself, dressed as a zombie, eating any food of your choice with no hands. Then, complete the form below!


    How do I know if I've been chosen?

    The Brain Buffet committee will choose up to 10 entries to advance to the final round.



    • It must be you (dressed as a zombie) in the video, and you must be eating something. You do not have to finish what you're eating in the video.
    • Your video must be no longer than 1 minute.
    • You MUST be dressed as a zombie.
    • No hands allowed! They should be behind your back during the video.
    • Please ensure that we will be able to view the video! You can upload the video to Google Drive, Youtube, or any other platform you wish, just be sure we will be able to view and download it.